Saturday 25 August 2012


After the strangeness of yesterday's shows ( see Thursdays reviews) it was surprisingly refreshing to return to watching comedy.

For the last few years 4 Sad Faces have been plying their sketch comedy trade in the Free Fringe. This year they have changed tack, dropping 4 from their name, adding Rosie Fletcher to their gang, moving to a paid venue (the Underbelly) and I think, most importantly, leaving the unconnected sketch comedy format behind.

Sad Faces " Remember It Differently" does what it says on the tin. It takes one narrative story but we see it from each of the performers perspectives. This allows for a lot of silliness, ridiculous accents and props and unexpected plot variations. Each of the talented performers is allowed their moment in the spotlight, but it is Jack Bernhardt with his boyish, confused optimism (often misplaced) and Rosie Fletcher's assertive, self-confident (often misplaced) personas that steal the show.

The only suggestion I would make for future improvement would be more audience involvement. The show we watched was quieter than the quality of the material deserved but getting a rapport with (at least) one member of the audience should immediately get them on the performers side and therefore more vocal.

This was my 27th show of this year's festival and naturally shows are beginning to overlap with each other. But, one of my over-ridding memories of the entire week was " The profit of Poundland" sequence. Comedy gold.

Well done to all involved, you have found your true niche. 

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